DBD Ra Month
-Supports Amd/ Intel both
-Supports all platforms
Player ESP (Survivor/Killer)
Player Information[name, Distance, Score, Speed. Ping, ]
Skeleton Esp
Player Bone Glow
Player View Direction Line
Player Interaction Bar - Progress on healing, recovering, totem, wiggle shown
Player Offscreen Indicator
Player Render Distance
Companion ESP (Zombies, Victor, Knight)
Generator ESP
Window ESP
Chest ESP
Hook ESP
Pallet ESP
Trap ESP (Hag Traps, Bear Traps, Dream Snares)
Totem ESP
Door ESP
Hatch ESP
Killer ESP[Bloodlust Tier, Flashlight Bar]
Killer Power ESP:
Huntress Hatchet Ammo
Clown Ammo
Clown Bottle ESP/Duration
Nurse Blink Visualization
Trickster Ammo
Pig Trap Searches Required
Skull Merchant Drones
Demogorgon Portals
Ghostface / Myers Stalk Percent
Myers T3 Progress Bar
Oni Power Progress Bar
Blight Charges
Spirit Power Bar
Automatic Skillchecks (Reversed, Wiggle)
Skillcheck Humanization Probability (Vary between good and greats)
Flashlight Save - Perfectly times the blind
Run With Flashlight
Speedhack (Customizable Speed)
Teleport To Hooked Survivor
No Collision - Run through killers and survivors
Interaction Range - Allows you to drop pallets and vault windows from further away
Trap Immunity - Run over bear traps
Window Fast Vault Time - Modify the time taken to complete a fast vault
Window Mid Vault Time
Reveal Spectators
Camera FOV
Skip Tutorial
Unlock All Perks/Offerings/Addons (Temp - No progression)
Prestige Changer (Temp)
Reveal Ghostface Easier
Disable Clown Blur
Killer Overview (Reveal Perks, Offerings, Addons before or during the game)
Spectate Killer - Watch the killer chase in a 3rd person camera while you do a generator
Stalk Warning (Ghostface, Myers)
Bloodwarden Warning
Stream Proof (OBS)
Buy Also On
About DBD Ra Month
-Supports Windows 10 (2004-20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2) and Win 11
-Supports Amd/ Intel both
-Supports all platforms
Player ESP (Survivor/Killer)
Player Information[name, Distance, Score, Speed. Ping, ]
Skeleton Esp
Player Bone Glow
Player View Direction Line
Player Interaction Bar - Progress on healing, recovering, totem, wiggle shown
Player Offscreen Indicator
Player Render Distance
Companion ESP (Zombies, Victor, Knight)
Generator ESP
Window ESP
Chest ESP
Hook ESP
Pallet ESP
Trap ESP (Hag Traps, Bear Traps, Dream Snares)
Totem ESP
Door ESP
Hatch ESP
Killer ESP[Bloodlust Tier, Flashlight Bar]
Killer Power ESP:
Huntress Hatchet Ammo
Clown Ammo
Clown Bottle ESP/Duration
Nurse Blink Visualization
Trickster Ammo
Pig Trap Searches Required
Skull Merchant Drones
Demogorgon Portals
Ghostface / Myers Stalk Percent
Myers T3 Progress Bar
Oni Power Progress Bar
Blight Charges
Spirit Power Bar
Automatic Skillchecks (Reversed, Wiggle)
Skillcheck Humanization Probability (Vary between good and greats)
Flashlight Save - Perfectly times the blind
Run With Flashlight
Speedhack (Customizable Speed)
Teleport To Hooked Survivor
No Collision - Run through killers and survivors
Interaction Range - Allows you to drop pallets and vault windows from further away
Trap Immunity - Run over bear traps
Window Fast Vault Time - Modify the time taken to complete a fast vault
Window Mid Vault Time
Reveal Spectators
Camera FOV
Skip Tutorial
Unlock All Perks/Offerings/Addons (Temp - No progression)
Prestige Changer (Temp)
Reveal Ghostface Easier
Disable Clown Blur
Killer Overview (Reveal Perks, Offerings, Addons before or during the game)
Spectate Killer - Watch the killer chase in a 3rd person camera while you do a generator
Stalk Warning (Ghostface, Myers)
Bloodwarden Warning
Stream Proof (OBS)