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  • Terms of Service:

    The providers of Cobracheats ("we", "us", "our") make clear that we aren't accountable for content generated by users ("content") on this platform. Such content mirrors solely the perspectives of its creators.

    By using our service, you commit to not disseminate or associate to content that:

    Is slanderous, abusive, malicious, intimidating, spam-like, or can upset.
    Features adult, inappropriate content, or personal details of others.
    Breaches copyright, promotes illegal activities, or contravenes any laws.
    Staff may scrutinize any content you contribute. Your content could also undergo third-party verification procedures, especially for spam prevention. Refrain from uploading confidential or private content.

    We hold the authority to alter or erase content for any reason, without elucidation. Actions about content modifications or removals are at our discretion. We also have the right to address issues with any user account when needed.

    When you provide content, you offer us a non-exclusive, lasting, irrevocable, unrestricted license to utilize or republish it in association with our Service, while you maintain the content's copyright.

    Upon making a purchase on Cobracheats.to, you consent to forgo any right to cancel once your product activates automatically.

    You'll receive your purchased software as a digital download. Unless otherwise mentioned, our software is compatible with Windows 10 x64 or newer. It mandates a consistent internet connection and remains functional while your subscription is active. Our software is intended for physical machines and isn't designed for virtual or cloud gaming systems.

    Please adhere to these guidelines:

    • Do not share your account or software acquired from our site.
    • Creating accounts on behalf of others, including for resale, is prohibited.
    • Aim to maintain a single account, unless procuring an additional subscription for other devices.
    • Avoid tampering with our software (e.g., reverse engineering, cracking). Such actions can lead to a permanent ban.
    • Individuals affiliated with Anti-Cheat, Game Development, or Publishing entities should refrain from registering.
    • Misbehavior against our infrastructure, team, or community members can result in account restrictions or termination.
    • Ensure your registered email is solely yours. Disposable or shared email services are not allowed.
    • Do not post legally dubious content, such as illicitly acquired accounts.
    • Selling third-party offerings without higher management (Admin) approval is not permitted.
    • Combining third-party tools with our products isn't supported. Bans resulting from such combinations are final.
    • "Lifetime" pertains to the duration of a user's forum account, which Cobracheats can terminate anytime.
    • We offer our software "as is". We're not obliged to introduce updates or new features. Functions can be updated, added, or removed.
    • Promoting other services directly or indirectly is prohibited, though discussing them contextually is permissible.
    • Our Refund Policy details are available here: Refund Policy.
    • We reserve the right to modify these terms without prior notice.

    If you disagree with these terms, please refrain from registering or using our Service. For account closure requests, kindly contact us.

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